8 October, 2018

Sociedad Musicológica Ministriles de la Reina (musicological society) presents its new website.


From Innovatrombone we have the pleasure of sharing this great news, which reaches us from the hand of our collaborator Javier Martos Carretero.

The origins:


In 2011, during his stay in Ottawa (Canada), Javier Martos Carretero founded the Musicological Society “Ministriles de la Reyna”, from which he began his research work focused on recovering and disseminating the Latin American musical heritage.

Later, he changed his residence, sharing his personal and professional life between Spain and Argentina.

Establishing the headquarters of the SMMR in the “Patronato de la Juventud Obrera” – Valencia (Spain), it simultaneously directs and coordinates the activities of the society in Spain with the “Escuela Hispanoamericana de Música Antigua” in Córdoba (Argentina). In this way, the society is present and active both in America and in Europe.

The research work conducted by SMMR is carried out through the study of original material, facsimiles, treatises from the period, payment letters and files found in various archives and libraries.

The “Ministriles de la Reyna” Musicological Society

Their products:

“I Ibero-American Congress of Minstrels.”

In 2015, the research team formed by Javier Martos Carretero, Gustavo Gabriel Gargiulo and Nacho Bernis organizes in Cordoba the “I Congreso Iberoamericano de Ministriles”. Since then, this international event has been held uninterruptedly, looking to bring together in one place professors of international fame to share their knowledge of music of minstrels in Iberoamerica.

The CIM aims to create a space where musicians and amateurs who dedicate themselves or want to dedicate themselves to performing early music with miniature instruments, spread this type of instrumental specialty and provide anyone interested with access to their learning.

During the congress there will be exhibitions, conferences, master classes, initiation workshops, ensemble practice, shows and concerts with ministril instruments such as the Renaissance cornet, sackbut, minstrel trumpet, shawm, bassoon, recorder, orlo and bow vihuela.

Escuela Hispanoamericana de Música Antigua (EHMA).

Escuela Internacional de Ministriles (EIM)


The EIM is a project created in 2016 as a pedagogical tool for the teaching of ancient music played with wind instruments from the Renaissance and Baroque. It is held once a year in Spain with the participation of amateurs, students and music professionals of different nationalities.

The programmed activities include classes on instruments, ancient dance, choral singing, vocal and instrumental ensemble, lectern practice, conferences, instrument exhibitions, concerts and ancient dance shows.

In its first two editions, first level international teachers and students from different places such as Spain, Argentina, Portugal, United States of America and Lithuania participated.

Ministriles de la Reina:


This set of minstrels, directed by Javier Martos Carretero, has been in operation since the beginnings of the “Ministriles de la Reyna” Musicological Society.

It is made up of wind instruments such as the Renaissance cornet, trumpet, shawm, sackbut, bassoon, orlo and recorder.




From Innovatrombone we congratulate the Musicological Society and specially our collaborator Javier Martos for this great work.

We take this opportunity to announce that very soon Innovatrombone and Sociedad Musicológica Ministriles de la Reina will collaborate together in a new project.

Web page: Musicological Society Ministriles de la Reina

Javier Martos profile clicking here

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