Saturday, 27 April 2024

Innovatrombone interviews José Vicente Faubel.

From Innovatrombone we are pleased to share with all our trombone community a new interview. On this occasion we are pleased to...

Innovatrombone interviews Juan Sanjuan – Talented young trombone players.

At Innovatrombone we continue to introduce young trombonists who are expected to have a long career. This time we have contacted the new trombone...

Innovatrombone interviews Thomas Bousquie, winner of modality 4A.

From Innovatrombone we are delighted to share with all of you the interview we have conducted with the winner of our first online interpretation...

Vicente Climent – Young promises of the trombone by Innovatrombone.

At Innovatrombone we continue to introduce young trombonists who are expected to have a long career. This time we have contacted the new trombone...

Ricardo Mollá interviews Ian Bousfield and Alberto Urretxo.

From Innovatrombone we are pleased to share with you these two interviews conducted by our collaborator Ricardo Mollá with two great trombonists, Ian Bosfield...

Innovatrombone interviews Ximo Vicedo, principal trombone in Orquesta de Radio Televisión Española.

In innovatrombone we have the pleasure of chatting with one of our most prestigious collaborators. Ximo Vicedo is trombone soloist of the Orquesta Sinfónica de...

Play the music you always dreamed of with your brass instrument by Javier Martos...

Recently our collaborator Javier Martos Carretero presented his latest project: Play the music you always dreamed of with your brass instrument, under the slogan...

Innovatrombone interviews Aldo Caterina.

From Innovatrombone we are delighted to share with our users the interview with maestro Aldo Caterina, a trombonist who has presented his research and...