24 July, 2018

José Vicente Soler Alcover new collaborator for Innovatrombone.


Our new collaborator for Innovatrombone is José Vicente Soler Alcover, trombone teacher and orchestral repertoire at the Higher Conservatory of Music of Jaén.


He was born in Villanueva de Castellón (Valencia) where he began his trombone studies at the age of 8 at the “Lira Castellonense” Musical Society.

He obtains an Extraordinary Middle Grade Prize, an Honorable Mention in the Specialty of Chamber Music and an End of Career Award for Unanimity.

In 2002 he was awarded the “Premio Euterpe” de la Música in Valencia.

He has belonged to the Youth Orchestras as: Young National Orchestra of Catalonia (JONC), Young Orchestra of the Generalitat Valenciana (JOGV), Young National Orchestra of Spain (JONDE), member of the (IRO, Interregionales Jugendsinfonieorchester) in Germany (2001- 2002) and Orquesta de los Catalanes (OGIPC).

He has collaborated with Orchestras at a professional level such as: Orchestra of Valencia, Orchestra of Extremadura, Municipal Band of Madrid, Orchestra of Córdoba, Orchestra of the City of Barcelona (OBC), Chamber Orchestra of Lausanne 2003-2006 (Switzerland), Opera de Lausanne of 2003 -06 and Münchener Kammerorchester of Munich.

In 2004 with the Chamber Orchestra of Lausanne he played the “Bolero” M. Ravel, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the International Choreographer Maurice Béjart under the direction of Armin Jordan.

He has completed advanced courses with national and international professors such as: Christian Lindberg, PK Svensen, Jacques Mauger, Ricardo Casero, Elias Hernandis, Baltasar Perelló, Jean Pierre Mathez, Javier Lechago, Indalecio Bonet, Gilles Milliere, Michel Becquet, Daniel Lasalle, David Bruchez, Jesús Juan Oriola and Rafael Tortajada Fernández, etc.

Finalist in the Contests of Villena and Xátiva.

As for Chamber groups, he has belonged as a student at the Spanish Brass Academy, being a member of the trombone quartet 2i2quartet for 9 years, awarded in the Youth Musical Contest of Spain in 2001, and finalists in the IV International “Jan Koetsier” Competition 2004 for Trombone Quartet Munich (Germany), with which he performs different tours (Albania, Buenos Aires, Uruguay, Brazil, Madrid, Barcelona, Segovia, etc), Courses and Master classes (Las Mesas, Biar, Villena, Granada, Priego de Córdoba, Villanueva de Castellón, Madrid, Barcelona) and recordings such as “Memories” (2007), “2i2versos” (2010) as well as the collaboration with Carlos Gil on the CD “Multaqa” (2011).


He has done postgraduate studies with Ricardo Casero at the ESMUC, 2000-01, at the Conservatory of Music of Lausanne (Switzerland) with Professor Michel Becquet (International Soloist, CNSM Professor of Lyon) in the years 2003-06, and with Gilles Milliére (Professor CSNM de Paris) 2006-07, at the Superior Conservatory of Zaragoza.

He is currently a professor of trombone and orchestral repertoire at the CSM in Jaén and member of the Lyric Company of Andalusia in which zarzuela is widely disseminated, performing concerts in Malaga, Seville, Córdoba, Jaén, Granada, Madrid and Valencia.

Profile of José Vicente Soler Alcover in the trombone section:







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