26 March, 2018

Costa Rica Trombone Fest 2018.



Do you know the Costa Rica Trombone Fest? Only a few days ago, the 2018 edition was finished. Here we offer a summary of this festival, which every year is consolidated as one of the most important festivals in Costa Rica.

The Costa Rica Trombone Fest is an activity that was born as an idea of the trombonist Andrés León Rodríguez http://www.innovatrombone.com/en/trombonists/andres-leon-rodriguez-101 and it is developed with the support of Costa Rica Low Brass and its founding members Carlos Chotocruz and Andrés Porras, as well as Marcial Flores C and Roberto Garrigues H. In addition, it has relied on the advice of musicians and entrepreneurs, Lenin Izaguirre and Felipe Sandoval, as well as the support of Mr. Camilo Jimenez V, The Costa Rican Academy of Bronces and the support of the Buffet Group and its trombone brand Antoine Courtois.

The Costa Rica Trombone Fest arises from the need to exchange musical knowledge to promote the development and transformation of individuals through the practice of trombone. The Costa Rica Trombone Fest aims to train and educate young trombonists in their first steps, as well as the acquisition and updating of knowledge for advanced and professionals trombonists. The different activities developed during the festival aim to convert the participating musicians into agents of change in their communities through the dissemination and practice of music, the execution of the trombone, its teaching, the improvement of skills and creativity, as well as the development of personal discipline.

The Costa Rica Trombone Fest 2018 has been held in San José, Costa Rica, from March 15 to 18, performing master classes, lectures, recitals, trombone choir, chamber music and promoting the dissemination of new compositions and musical arrangements . In addition, it counted with the participation of different professors of wide trajectory in Costa Rica, as well as soloists and international professors like the world famous trombonist Fabrice Millicher, the trombonist and cultural manager Camilo Jiménez Vera, the saxophonist Pablo Sandí, the groups Son de Tikizia, Costa Rica Low Brass Ensamble and Ensamble Metropolitano, and the Intermediate Band of the National Institute of Music under the direction of Andrés Porras Alfaro.

See you in the 2019 Edition!, Costa Rica Trombone Fest. Pure Life!!

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Video: Arrangement of Adiós Nonino, Astor Piazolla. Pablo Sandí, saxophone, accompanied by Costa Rica Low Brass Ensemble.








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