21 January, 2020

New job offers in Orchestras by Innovatrombone.

Nationaltheater-Orchester Mannheim - Brussels Philharmonic


From Innovatrombone and in collaboration with Muv.ac we continue to inform trombonists about the different job offers in Orchestras.

On this occasion we talk about: Nationaltheater-Orchester Mannheim and Brussels Philharmonic.

Nationaltheater-Orchester Mannheim

The Orchestra offers a place for a solist trombone at 100% with obligation of second trombone, with an indefinite contract of immediate incorporation.

The closing date for registration is 28.01.2020, with a pre-audition on 02.03.2020 at 15:00h.

Main audition on 03.03.2020 at 09:45h.

place: Nationaltheater Mannheim, Opernhaus Goetheplatz

68161 Mannheim (Germany)

Video Orchestra:

Brussels Philharmonic

The Orchestra offers a second trombone position with a first trombone obligation, with an indefinite contract and the duration or start to be agreed.

Registration will close on 09.05.2020 and the audition will take place on 18.06.2020 at 10:00h.

Place: Brussels Philharmonic

Eugene Flageyplein 18

B-1050 Brussels (Belgium)

Video Orchestra:

For more information please visit our employment section by clicking on the following link: Employment

If you are a trombonist join our community at the following link: Registration

Visit our website: www.innovatrombone.com

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