Sunday, 09 February 2025

Davis Shuman, a pioneering and ingenious trombonist. By Innovatrombone

Although unknown to many, the figure of Davis Shuman cannot go unnoticed because of his contributions to the trombone community. Davis Shuman Born in 1912 in...

We present the article “The trombone is not everything”, by Adrián Nájera-Coto, for Innovatrombone.

"The trombone isn't everything", for Innovatrombone. By Adrián Nájera-Coto trombone player at UANL Chamber Orchestra Vincent Bach Trombones Artist and Clinician. This article is aimed...

Trombone initiation by Innovatrombone.

Dear friends and trombonists of Innovatrombone, just a few weeks ago we presented you with a first delivery of routines with material for students...

Los vínculos del músico profesional. Un artículo de Coaching para músicos.

De entre las diversas teorías de la psicología social, el término “vínculo” queda conceptualizado por Pichón-Riviere como “la forma en que una persona se relaciona con las...

Role ambiguity, a risk factor in the orchestra

  When we talk about occupational risks we have to be clear about the different existing concepts. We have "danger", "risk", "risk factor" and "severity". To...

SACABUCHE. “El que quiera escuchar, que escuche”. Por Javier Martos Carretero

Javier Martos, colaborador para Innovatrombone y especialista en trombón histórico, nos ha hecho llegar el primero de una serie de artículos, que girarán en...

Here is a reminder of articles by Innovatrombone.

Psychosocial risks in orchestras and professional bands Roll Ambiguity, A Risk Factor in the Orchestra Artistic Interdisciplinarity in Music Education Interdisciplinarity and enterprising musicians The bonds of the...

Innovatrombone tests the Stomvi trombone Elite model.

We recently visited the Stomvi musical instrument factory in Valencia (Spain) to test one of their trombones. Specifically, we have tested the Elite trombone...

Innovatrombone tests the Courtois NY trombone.

At Innovatrombone we are delighted to continue testing trombones and to be able to share with our users the sensations we have...

Riesgos Psicosociales en orquestas y bandas profesionales

Alguien dijo allá por 1992, que en España aunque se estaban triplicado el número de orquestas no existía una tradición de cultura de orquesta...